Ivan Ivanov Mandev

Ivan Ivanov Mandev


Project Manhattan


Project Manhattan was the upgraded version of the base engine revision of the EDK engine that was developed and provided to us by our teachers in ESAT.

This project contains various implementations such as:

  • SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion).
  • Geometry Shaders (1 MILLION - 2 MILLION particles) with stable framerate.
  • Transparency Materials.
  • Procedural Generation of the city.
  • Frustrum Culling.
  • Environment Fog.
  • Wireframe Mode.
  • Light Creation System (Point Light / Spotlight / Directional Light).
  • Custom City Resizing.
  • Culling Tolerance Adjusting.
  • Performance Check.
  • Deferred Rendering.
  • Blur Postprocess.

This project was developed by:

  • Alvaro Soriaon Romero.
  • Ivan Ivanov Mandev.